Professore Associato
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento PETROLOGIA E PETROGRAFIA (GEO/07)
Ateneo Università degli Studi di CATANIA 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI 
E-Mail efazio@unict.it
Telefono ufficio 0957195752
E-Mail eugenio.fazio@unict.it

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Born in Catania on 1976, married, three children, graduated in Geology at the University of Catania in 2001 (summa cum laude), researcher from 2011 at the same university, where in 2005 he received the Ph.D. in Petrology & Petrography. Since 2006 he conducts scientific investigations about metamorphic petrology, structural geology, petrophysics, microtectonics, field survey of crystalline terrains, GIS. In parallel he conducted petrophysical laboratory tests on rocks to explore correlations between fabrics and seismic anisotropies. He spent abroad periods of study, consolidating international scientific collaborations with various research groups (Aberdeen, Basel, Berkeley, Clausthal, Kharagpur, Kiel, Liverpool, Stuttgart, Turin) for the study of metamorphic complexes. He was member of various research groups participating to different national research projects since 2007 (PRIN and FIR). He has participated in numerous courses and seminars and conferences dealing with the techniques of image analysis and microstructures of naturally deformed rocks. Since 2005 he lectured several courses at the University of Catania and holds a course about Optical Mineralogy in the Master of Science in Geology. Current research is aimed at quantifying microstructures (e.g., lattice preferred orientations of minerals, LPO), strain rates of crustal scale shear zones, and petrophysical characteristics of naturally deformed rocks. He also integrate field investigations and aerial survey images (UAV) to reconstruct 3D virtual outcrops.