Ateneo Università degli Studi di CATANIA 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di SCIENZE DEL FARMACO E DELLA SALUTE 

Orari di ricevimento

Lunedì - Mercoledì 12-13 previo appuntamento per email




Nato a Roma il 20 febbraio 1946.
Residente in Catania, via G.Ballo n.5.
Coniugato, 3 figli.

Titoli di Studio
- Laurea in Fisica conseguita il 27.7.1970 presso l'Universita' di Catania con voti 110/110 e lode.
- Master of Science in Applied Mathematics conseguito nel 1971 presso l'Universita' di Londra, Queen Mary College.

Posizione attuale
- Pensionato a decorrere dal 1° novembre 2016.

Posizioni ricoperte
- Astronomo presso l'Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania dal 1973 al 1983;
- Professore Associato (Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica – SSD Mat/07), Facolta' di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Università degli Studi di Catania dall'A.A. 1982/83 all’A.A. 2002/03
- Professore Associato (Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica – SSD Mat/07), Facolta' di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Catania dall'A.A. 2002/03 all’A.A. 2011/2012.
- Professore Associato (Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica, SSD Mat/07), Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Catania dall'A.A. 1982/83 all’A.A. 2015/2016
- Professore a contratto presso l’Università degli Studi di Catania, Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, per l’A.A. 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021

Attività Didattica
- Corsi istituzionali presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali, la Facoltà di Farmacia e il Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco ininterrottamente dall’A.A. 1976/77 all’A.A. 2015/2016.
- Corso di “Non linear waves”, Course in Industrial Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern.

Attività Scientifica
I campi di ricerca di cui il Prof. Motta si e' occupato sono: BioMatematica and BioInformatica, Metodi di Approssimazione per l’Equazione del Trasporto, Onde non lineari in Fluidodinamica classica e Relativistica, Relatività Generale e Cosmologia, Fisica Solare: Protuberanze Solari e Rotazione Solare.

La produzione scientifica e' compendiata in oltre 110 Note Scientifiche, Relazioni su Invito, Comunicazioni a Convegni e Congressi, pubblicate su riviste italiane e straniere, e Rapporti interni.

Biomathematics and Systems Biology Journals
120 M. Pennisi, G. Russo, S. Motta, and F. Pappalardo. Agent based modeling of the effects of potential treatments over the blood-brain barrier in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Immunological Methods, 427:6–12, 2015. (doi:10.1016/j.jim.2015.08.014)
119 F. Gullo, M. van der Garde, G. Russo, M. Pennisi, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo, and S. Watt. Computational modeling of the expansion of human cord blood CD133+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells with different cytokine combinations. Bioinformatics, 31(15):2514–2522, 2015. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv172)
118 F. Pappalardo, D. Flower, G. Russo, M. Pennisi, and S. Motta. Computational modelling approaches to vaccinology. Pharmacological Research, 92:42–45, 2015. (doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2014.08.006)
117 F. Chiacchio, M. Pennisi, G. Russo, S. Motta, and F. Pappalardo. Agent based modeling of the immune system: NetLogo, a promising framework. BioMed Research International, 2014:article ID: 907171, 2014. (doi:10.1155/2014/907171)
116 F. Castiglione, F. Pappalardo, C. Bianca, G. Russo, and S. Motta. Modeling biology spanning different scales: An open challenge. BioMed Research International, 2014:article ID: 902545, 2014. (doi:10.1155/2014/902545)
115 F. Pappalardo, F. Chiacchio, and S. Motta. Cancer vaccines: state of the art of the computational modeling approaches. BioMed Research International, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/106407 .
114 S. Motta and F. Pappalardo. Mathematical modeling of biological systems. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 14(4):411–422, 2013 [IF 5.29].
113 F. Pappalardo, A. Palladini, M. Pennisi, F. Castiglione, and S. Motta. Mathematical and computational models in tumor immunology. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena , 7(3):186-203, 2012. doi:10.1051/mmnp/20127312. [IF 0.558]
112 F. Castiglione, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo, and M. Pennisi. A modeling framework for immune-related diseases. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena , 7(3):40-48, 2012. doi:10.1051/mmnp/20127304. [IF 0.558]
111 D. Alemani, F. Pappalardo, M. Pennisi, S. Motta, and V. Brusic. Combining cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann method to model multiscale avascular tumor growth coupled with nutrient diffusion and immune competition. Journal of Immunological Methods , 376(1-2):55-68, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.jim.2011.11.009. [IF 2.225]
110 Castiglione,F., Lollini,P-L., Motta,S., Paladini,A., Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M. Computational models as novel tools for cancer vaccines, New Challenges for Cancer Systems Biomedicine, A. D’Onofrio, P. Cerrai and A. Gandolfi Eds., ISBN: 978-8847025707, Simai Springer Series 2012, 227-248
109 F. Pappalardo, I.M. Forero, M. Pennisi, A. Palazon, I. Melero, and S. Motta. SimB16: Modeling induced immune system response against B16-melanoma. PLoS ONE , 6(10), 2011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026523. [IF 3.730]

108 Pennisi,M., Pappalardo,F., Palladini,A., Nicoletti,G., Nanni,P., Lollini,P.-L., Motta,S. (2010) Modeling the competition between lung metastases and the immune system using agents, BMC Bioinformatics 2010,%11(Suppl' 7):S13. [IF: 3.428]
107 Palladini,A., Nicoletti,G., Pappalardo,F., Murgo,A., Grosso,V., Stivani,V., Ianzano,M.L., Antognoli,A., Croci,S., Landuzzi,L., De Giovanni,C., Nanni,P., Motta,S., Lollini,P.-L. (2010) In silico modeling and in vivo efficacy of cancer preventive vaccinations, Cancer Research (2010) 70(20), 7755-7763. [IF: 7.543]
106 Astolfi,A., Lollini,P.-L., Motta,S., Pappalardo,F. (2010 ) Current issues in tumor immunology, Current Bioinformatics, to appear. [IF 1.688]
105 Halling-Brown,M., Pappalardo,F., Rapin,N., Zhang,P., Alemani,D., Emerson,A., Castiglione,F., Doroux,P., Pennisi,M., Miotto,O., Churchill,D., Rossi,E., Moss,D.S., Sansom,C.E., Bernaschi,M., Lefranc,M.P., Brunak,S., Motta,S., Lollini,P.L., Basford,K.E., Brusic,V., Shepherd,A.J. (2010 ), ImmunoGrid: Towards Agent-based Simulations of the Human Immune System at a Natural Scale, Philosophical Transactions A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2010 Jun 13;368(1920):2799-815. [IF 2.295]
104 Pappalardo,F. Lefranc,M.-P., Lollini,P.-L., Motta,S. (2010) A novel paradigm for cell and molecule interaction ontology: from the CMM model to IMGT-ONTOLOGY, Immunome Research, 6:1, doi: 10.1186/1745-7580-6-1.
103 Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Castiglione,F., Motta,S. (2010) Vaccine protocols optimization: in silico experiences, Biotechnology Advances, 28 (2010), 82-93. [IF 8.250]
102 Pappalardo,F., Halling-Brown,M., Pennisi,M., Chiacchio,F., Sansom,C.E., Shepherd,A.J., Moss,D.S., Motta,S., Brusic,V. (2010) The ImmunoGrid Simulator: How to Use It, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 6160, 1-19.
101 Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Chiacchio,F., Cincotti,A., Motta,S. (2010) GRIDUISS - A Grid based Universal Immune System Simulator framework, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6215, 285-290.
100 Pennisi,M., Pappalardo,F., Zhang,P., Motta,S. (2009) An Application of Genetic Algorithms in Cancer Immunoinformatics, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 28:4, 67-72. [IF 1.081]
90 Pennisi,M., Catanuto,R., Mastriani,E., Cincotti,A., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2009) Simulated Annealing And Optimal Protocols, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, vol. 18, n.8, 1565-1579. [IF 0.264]
98 Pappalardo,F., Halling-Brown,M.D., Rapin,N., Zhang,P., Alemani,D., Emerson,A., Paci,P., Duroux,P., Pennisi,M., Palladini A., Miotto,O., Churchill,D., Rossi,E., Shepherd,A.J., Moss,D.S., Castiglione,F., Bernaschi,M., Lefranc,M.P., Brunak,S., Motta,S., Lollini,P.L., Basford,K.E., Brusic,V. (2009) ImmunoGrid, an integrative environment for large-scale simulation of the immune system for vaccine discovery, design, and optimization, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 10:3, 330-340. [IF 7.329]
97 Pennisi,M., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2009) Agent based modeling of lung metastasis-immune system competition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5666, 1-3.
96 Pappalardo,F., Zhang,P., Halling-Brown,M., Basford,K., Scalia,A., Shepherd,A., Moss,D., Motta,S., Brusic,V. (2008) Computational simulations of the immune system for personalized medicine: state of the art and challenges, Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 6:4, 260-271
95 Pappalardo,F., Gullo,F., Catanuto,R., Mastriani,E., Pennisi,M., Musumeci,S., Motta,S. (2008) Agent based modeling of humoral response to atherogenesis, in Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2008), Masulli, Francesco; Tagliaferri, Roberto; Verkhivker, Gennady M. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 5488, Springer . ISBN: 978-88-903537-1-0
94 Pappalardo,F., Musumeci,S., Motta,S. (2008) Modeling Immune System Control of Atherogenesis,

Bioinformatics, 24:15, (2008), 1715-1721, [IF 4.328] [FEATURE ARTICLE]
93 Pennisi,M., Catanuto,R., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2008) Optimal Vaccination Schedules using Simulated
Annealing, Bioinformatics, Vol. 24 no. 15, pages 1740-1742. [IF 4.328]
92 F. Pappalardo, S. Motta, P.-L. Lollini, E. Mastriani, M. Pennisi, “Towards a personalized schedule with Triplex
vaccine”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4578 (2007), 620—626.
91 F. Pappalardo, S. Motta, P.-L. Lollini, E. Mastriani, (2007) “Analysis of vaccine's schedules using models”,
Cellular Immunology, (2007) 244, 137-140. [IF 1.808]
90 F. Castiglione, F. Pappalardo, M. Bernaschi, S. Motta., (2007) Optimization of HAART by means of Genetic
Algorithms and agent based models of HIV infection, Bioinformatics, 23:24, (2007) 3350—3355. [IF 5.039]
89 P.-L. Lollini, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo. (2006) Modeling tumor immunology, Mathematical Models and Methods
in Applied Sciences, World Scientific, 16:supp01 (2006) 1091--1125. [IF 1.805]
88 F. Pappalardo, P.-L. Lollini, S. Motta, E. Mastriani. Model Deconstruction of an Immunoprevention Vaccine,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4222 (2006) 350--353.
87 F. Pappalardo, E. Mastriani, P.-L. Lollini, S. Motta.(2006) Genetic Algorithm against Cancer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 3849 (2006) 223--228.
86 P.-L. Lollini, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo. (2006) “Discovery of cancer vaccination protocols with a genetic algorithm
driving an agent based simulator”, BMC Bioinformatics, 7:352 (2006) doi:10.1186/1471-2105-7-352. [IF 3.617] 85 F. Pappalardo, P.-L. Lollini, F. Castiglione, and S. Motta, 2005. “Modelling and simulation of cancer
immunoprevention vaccine” Bioinformatics, 21:12 (2005) 2891—2897. [IF 6.019]
84 S. Motta, F. Castiglione, P.-L. Lollini, F. Pappalardo. Modelling Vaccination Schedules for a Cancer Immunoprevention Vaccine, Immunome Research, 1:5 (2005) doi:10.1186/1745-7580-1-5. [HIGHLY ACCESSED]
83 Castiglione F., Motta S. and Nicosia G., “Pattern Recognition by primary and secondary response of an Artificial Immune System”, Theory in Biosciences, 1 September 2001, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 93-106(14) [IF 0.718]
82 Castiglione F., Mannella G., Motta S. and Nicosia G., “A Network of Cellular Automata for the simulation of the Immune System”, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 10 No. 4 (1999) 677-686. [IF 0.954]
Books Chapters
81 Castiglione,F., Lollini,P-L., Motta,S., Paladini,A., Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M. Computational models as novel tools for cancer vaccines, New Challenges for Cancer Systems Biomedicine, A. D’Onofrio, P. Cerrai and A. Gandolfi Eds., ISBN: 978-8847025707, Simai Springer Series 2012, 227-248
80 Nicoletti,G., Palladini,A., Murgo,A., Antognoli,A., Croci,S., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S., Lollini,P.-L. (2008) Translational immunomics of cancer immunoprevention, in Clinical Immunomics series, A. Falus and V. Brusic Eds., Springer, 253-268.

79 S. Motta, P.-L. Lollini, F. Pappalardo, (2008) “Modelling Vaccine Protocols“, in Aspects of Mathematical Modelling, R. Hosking and E. Venturino Eds., Birkhauser 2008, pp. 195-210
78 Pier-Luigi Lollini, Arianna Palladini, Francesco Pappalardo, and Santo Motta (2008) “Predictive models in tumor immunology”, in Selected topics on cancer modeling: genesis - evolution - immune competition - therapy,
Nicola Bellomo, Mark Chaplain, and Elena De Angelis Eds., Birkhauser 2008, ISBN: 978-0-8176-4712-4, 363-384.
77 Motta, S., Brusic V. (2004), “Matematical Modelling of the Immune System” in: Modelling in Molecular Biology, ed. by G.Ciobanu and G.Rozemberg, Springer-Verlag, 2004
76 Bellomo, N., Bertotti, L., Motta, S., (2003), “Cancer Immune System Competition: Modeling and Bifurcation Problems” in: Cancer Modeling & Simulation, ed. by L. Preziosi, CRC Press, 2003.
Peer Reviewed Conferences
75 F. Pappalardo, M. Pennisi, F. Chiacchio, S. Musumeci, and S. Motta. iAtheroSim: atherosclerosis process simulator on smart devices. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM-BCB 2013), pages 815–817, 2013. (doi:10.1145/2506583.2512356)
74 F. Pappalardo and S. Motta. Modeling cancer vaccines. In IEEE Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2012) , pages 615-617, 2012. doi:10.1109/CISIS.2012.13 .
73 M. Pennisi, F. Pappalardo, F. Chiacchio, and S. Motta. A model of cytotoxic t antitumor activation stimulated by pulsed dendritic cells. In 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2011) , volume 1389, pages 1236-1239, 2011. doi:10.1063/1.3637840 .
72 M. Pennisi, C. Bianca, F. Pappalardo, and S. Motta. Compartmental mathematical modeling of immune system - melanoma competition. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2011) , pages 930-934, 2011.
71 Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Cincotti,A., Chiacchio,F., Motta,S., Lollini,P.-L. (2010) Cancer Immunoprevention: What Can We Learn From in silico Models?, Proceedings of 2010 International conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2010), in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 93, 111-118.
70 Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Motta,S. (2010) Universal Immune System Simulator framework (UISS), ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ACM-BCB 2010), ISBN 978-1- 4503-0438-2, 649-650.
69 Pennisi,M., Bianca,C., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2010) Modeling artificial immunity against mammary carcinoma, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2010), ISBN 978- 84-613-5510-5, 753-756.
68 Pappalardo,F., Calonaci,C., Pennisi,M., Mastriani,E., Motta,S. (2009) HAMFAST: Fast Hamming Distance Computation, IEEE World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009), 1, 569-572.
67 Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Mastriani,E., Motta,S. (2009) Grid-based atherosclerosis simulations, Final

Workshop of Grid Projects, PON Ricerca 2000-2006, no. 1575, ISBN: ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-3, 403-410. Pennisi,M., Pappalardo,F., Mastriani,E., Chiacchio,F., Motta,S. (2009) A biological optimization problem on the
Grid, Final Workshop of Grid Projects, PON Ricerca 2000-2006, no. 1575, ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-3, 403-410.
Workshop of Grid Projects, PON Ricerca 2000-2006, Avviso 1575 , pp 411-417, ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-3.
Alemani,D., Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Mastriani,E., Motta,S. (2009) Grid-based cancer growth simulations, Final
64 Mastriani,E., Halling-Brown,M., Giorgio,E., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2009) P2SI2-ImmunoGrid services integration: a working example of web based approach., Final Workshop of Grid Projects, PON Ricerca 2000- 2006, Avviso 1575 , pp 438-445, ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-3.
63 A. Pedretti, A. Lombardo, G. Vistoli, E. Mastriani, F. Pappalardo, S. Motta (2009), Porting of a Docking Application on PI2S2 Grid infrastructure, Final Workshop of Grid Projects, “PON Ricerca 2000-2006, Avviso 1575”, pp 468-473, ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-3.
62 Mastriani,E., Pappalardo,F., Pennisi,M., Catanuto,R., Motta,S. (2007) Tumor associated antigen variation - in silico experiments using the sicilian grid, Proceedings of the Symposium “GRID Open Days at the University of Palermo”, ISBN 978-88-95892-00-9, 127-131. ISBN 978-88-95892-00-9, 127-131
61 F. Pappalardo, S. Motta, P.-L. Lollini, E. Mastriani, M. Pennisi.(2006) The Stabilization Effect of the Triplex Vaccine, Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference, Applied Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific, (2006) 587--592.
60 F. Pappalardo, E. Mastriani, P.-L. Lollini, S. Motta.(2006) Analysis of vaccine's schedules using models, Proceedings of International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics (BCII 2006), October 8-12, 2006 – Budapest, Hungary, pp. 63-64.
59 S. Motta, F. Pappalardo, P.-L. Lollini.(2006) Cancer immunoprevention: what can we learn from in silico models?, Proceedings of International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics (BCII 2006), October 8-12, 2006 - Budapest, Hungary, pp. 70.
58 Motta, S., Lollini,P.-L., Pappalardo,F., Mastriani,E.(2005) Modelling can help: an analysis of the effects of an immunoprevenction vaccine, 4th World Congress on cellular and Molecular Biology, (2005), 136, ISSN:0145-5680
57 F. Pappalardo, S. Motta, P.-L. Lollini, E. Mastriani.(2005) Maths against Cancer, Proceedings of 5th International ISAAC Congress, July 25-30, 2005, Catania, World Scientific, ISBN: 978-981-283-562-8, 1351- 1359.
56 Calogero R.A., Iazzetti G., Motta S., Pedrazzi G., Rago S., Rossi E., Turra R.(2002) “MedMOLE: Mining literature to extract biological knowledge by microarray data”, Proceeding of the 2002 Virtual Conference on Genomics and Bioinformatics (2002). NorthDakota State University, USA.
55 Calogero, R.A.. Iazzetti, G. Motta, S. Pedrazzi, G. Rago, S. Rossi, E. Turra, R.(2002) “Mining literature to improve biological knowledge extraction by microarray transcriptional profiling”, in A. Zanasi, C. A. Brebbia, N.F.F.E. Ebecken and P. Melli (eds) Data Mining III, WIT Press, Southampton (2002)
54 Castiglione F., Motta S. and Nicosia G.,(2001) “Pattern Recognition with a Multi-Agent model of the Immune System”, International NAISO Symposium on Information Science Innovations in Engineering of Natural and Artificial Intelligent Systems (ENAIS'2001), ICSC Academic Press, March 17-21, 2001 at the American University in Dubai, U.A.E.

53 Castiglione F., Motta S., Nicosia G. and Zammataro L.,(2001) “The effects of an apoptosis mechanism on the immune response”, In: EUROSIM 2001: Shaping future with Simulation, ed by Heemink, A. W., Dekker, L., Arons, H. d. S., I. Smit, I., v. Stijn,T. L., TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2001 (ISBN: 90-806441- 1-0, CD-Rom - 6 pages).
52 Motta S. and Nicosia G., (2001) “A plain cellular automata for the simulation of the immune system”, In: EUROSIM 2001: Shaping future with Simulation, ed by Heemink, A. W., Dekker, L., Arons, H. d. S., I. Smit, I., v. Stijn,T. L., TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2001 (ISBN: 90-806441-1-0, CD-Rom - 6 pages).
51 Castiglione F., Mannella G., Motta S. and Nicosia G., (1999) “A Network of Cellular Automata for the simulation of the Immune System”, Symposium on The Sciences of Complexity From Mathematics to Technology to a Sustainable World: Theory in Immunology. ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld, Germany, 15-19 October 1999.
50 Castiglione F., Mannella G., Motta S. and Nicosia G., (1999) “Cellular Automata for the simulation of the Immune System”, The Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, ICIAM 99. Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-9 July 1999.

Approximation Methods for Transport Equation
' Journals
49 Bianca, C. and Motta S., The MWF Method: a Convergence Theorem for Homogeneous One-Dimensional Case; (2009), Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009), 579-588. [IF 1.192]
48 Bianca,C., Pappalardo,F., Motta,S. (2009) The MWF method for kinetic equations system, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 57, (2009) 831-840. [IF 1.192]
47 Motta, S., (2003) “ Energy Conservation Property of the MW-CRF Deterministic Particle Method”, Applied Mathematics Letters, vol.16, pp. 287-292, 2003. [IF 0.395]
46 Motta, S., (2002), “A New Formulation and Gauge Inariance of the MW-CRF Method for Kinetic Equations”, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 36(4/5), 403-410, 2002. [IF 0.426]
45 Falsaperla, P., Motta, S., Succi, S. (1994), “Parallel Efficiency of the CRF method on a IBM RS/6000 cluster platform”, J.Scient.Comp., vol. 9, N.3, 293, 1994.
44 Barone, C., Motta, S., (1993) "The CRF-Method for Semiconductors' Intravalley Collision Kernels: II - The 3D Case", LE MATEMATICHE Vol. XLVIII fasc. I, 109-122, 1993
43 Barone, C., Motta, S., "The CRF-Method for Semiconductors' Intravalley Collision Kernels: I - The 2D Case", LE MATEMATICHE Vol. XLVII fasc. I, 163-175, 1992.
42 Motta, S., Wick, J., "A New Numerical Method for Kinetic Equations in Several Dimensions", Computing 46, 223-232, 1991. [IF 0.551]
41 Motta, S., Moock, H., Russo, G., Wick, J., (1990), "Point approximation of a space-homogeneous transport equation", Numerische Mathematik 56, 763-774, 1990. [IF 1.210]
40 Motta, S., Moock, H., Russo, G., Wick, J., "A number theoretical convergence proof of a point approximation of a space homogeneous transport equation", Le Matematiche 41, 161, 1990.

Non Linear Waves in Classic and Relativistic Fluiddynamics. Journals
39 Lanza, A., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1987) "Relativistic shocks in a gas of interacting particles and radiation", Il Nuovo Cimento 98, 119-130, 1987. [IF 1.000]
38 Majorana, A., Motta, S., (1985), "Shock structure in Relativistic Fluid Dynamics", Journ. Non Equilibr. Thermodyn., 10, 29, 1985. [IF 0.522]
37 Lanza, A., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1985) "Formation and damping of relativistic strong shocks in a Synge gas", The Physics of Fluids 28,97, 1985. [IF 1.442]
36 A.M. Anile, J.C.Miller and S.Motta, (1983) "Formation and damping of strong shocks", The Physics of Fluids, 26, 1450, 1983. [IF 1.442]
35 Lanza, A., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1982), "Relativistic shocks in a Synge gas", Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 35, 309, 1982. [IF 1.000]
34 Anile, A.M., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1980) "Damping of relativistic strong shocks in an expanding universe", Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 29, 268-272, 1980. [IF 1.000]
Peer Reviewed Conferences
33 Carioli, S.M., Motta, S., (1986) "WAVE : A code of relativistic hydrodynamics by finite differences", Atti del
Convegno Nazionale Astronet, Roma 1985, pag.443; Ed. G.Sedmak , 1986.
32 Majorana, A., Motta, S., (1984) "Shock structure in Relativistic Fluid-dynamics", Workshop on Mathematical aspects of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, Trieste, Italy, maggio 1984, pagg.359-367; Ed. C.Cercignani, S.Rionero, M.Tessarotto .
31 Lanza, A., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1983) "Formation and damping of relativistic strong shocks", 10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Padova, luglio 1983, vol.1, pag.436; Ed. B.Bertotti, F.DeFelice, A.Pascolini .
30 Buckley, R., Majorana, A., Motta, S., (1982) "Non linear waves in a self gravitating medium", Atti VI Congresso AIMETA 1982, pagg. 182-188.
29 Motta, S., (1981) "Onde d'urto relativistiche in Astrofisica", Invited talk, Atti del IV^ Convegno Nazionale di Relativita` Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione - Pavia 1980, pag.89; Edizioni Tecnoprint, Bologna 1981.
28 Anile, A.M., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1980) "Numerical calculation of formation and damping of fully relativistic strong shocks", 9th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Jena, luglio 1980, pag.98;
27 Anile, A.M., Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1980) "Damping of plane relativistic shocks in the cosmological radiative era", 9th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Jena, luglio 1980, pag.308.

General Relativity and Cosmology.
26 Miller, J.C., Motta, S., (1989) "Computations of spherical gravitational collapse using null slicing", Classical
and Quantum Gravity 6, 185-193, (1989). [IF 1.989]
25 Motta, S., (1988) "Decreasing density perturbations and the isotropy of the cosmic microwave background", Il
Nuovo Cimento, 102, 517-522, (1988). [IF 1.000]
24 Anile, A.M., Motta, S., (1978) "Long wavelength gravitational waves and the fine scale anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 184, 319-326, 1978 . [IF 4.685]
23 Anile, A.M., Danese, L., Motta, S., De Zotti, G., (1976) "Cosmological turbolence reexamined", Astrophysical Journal Letters, 205, L59-L63, 1976. [IF 2.822]
22 Anile, A.M., Motta, S., (1976) "Vorticity perturbations and isotropy of the cosmic microwave background", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 49, 205-209, 1976. [IF 2.790]
21 Anile, A.M., Motta, S., (1976) "Perturbation of the general Robertson - Walker Universes and angular variations of the cosmic black-body radiation", Astrophysical Journal, 207, 685-692, 1976 . [IF 2.822]
20 Anile, A.M., Motta, S., (1974) "The effect of a linear rotational perturbation on the isotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 32, 137-139, 1974 . [IF 2.790]
Peer Reviewed Conferences
19 Carioli, S.M., Motta, S., (1986), "The evolution of non-linear primordial fluctuations", Invited talk, Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale di Relativita' Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Firenze 1984, pag.49; Ed. R.Fabbri e M.Modugno, Pitagora 1986.
18 Motta, S., Miller, J.C., (1982), "Numerical Relativity - Methods and some recent results", Invited Paper, Atti del V^ Convegno Nazionale di Relativita` Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione - Catania, settembre 1982, pag.315; Ed.A.M.Anile, S.Motta, S.Pluchino .

Solar Physics: Solar Prominences , X-Ray ray Coronal Cavities
17 Godoli, G., Motta, S., Pirronello, V., Serio, S., Sciuto, V., Vaiana, G., Zappalà, R.A.,"Configuration and gradual dynamics of the prominences-related X ray Coronal Cavities", Solar Physics, 59, 65-86, 1978. [IF 2.095]
Peer Reviewed Conferences
16 Godoli, G., Motta, S., Pirronello, V ., Serio, S., Sciuto, V ., V aiana, G., Zappalà, R.A., (1978), "Dynamical behaviour of Coronal Cavities, prominences material and magnetic fields", COSPAR Meeting, Tel-Aviv, giugno 1978; Cospar Space Research, vol. XVIII, pag. 337-339,Pergamon Press 1978.
15 Godoli, G., Motta, S., Pirronello, V., Serio, S., Vaiana, G., Zappalà, R.A., (1976), "Cavita` X e attivita` delle protuberanze", Convegno Nazionale Societa` Italiana di Fisica, 1976; Boll. Soc. It. Fis. 109, 42, 1976.
14 Godoli, G., Motta, S., Pirronello, V., Serio, S., Vaiana, G., Zappalà, R.A., (1976), "Cavita X e formazione delle protuberanze", Convegno Nazionale Societa` Italiana di Fisica, 1976; Boll. Soc. It. Fis. 109, 42, 1976.
13 Godoli, G., Motta, S., Sciuto, V., Zappalà, R.A., (1975), "Inclination of solar prominences and coronal extrapolation of photospheric magnetic fields", Giornate di studio sullo SKYLAB, Firenze 1975; Mem. Soc. Astr. It., 104, 204, 1975.
12 Godoli, G., Motta,S., Sciuto, V., Zappalà, R.A., (1972), "Ricerche sulle protuberanze solari", Giornate di Studio in onore del Prof. Zagar, Milano 1972; Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 43, 773, 1972.
11 Godoli, G., Motta,S., Zappalà, R.A., (1971), "Sparizioni improvvise di protuberanze solari e variazioni dei campi magnetici associati", Convegno Nazionale Societa` Italiana di Fisica, 1971; Boll. S.I.F. 87, 47, 1971.

Solar Physics: Solar Rotation.
10 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., Zappalà, R.A., (1977), "K-Faculae as tracers of solar
differential rotation", Astrophysical Journal Letters, 214, L91 - L95, 1977. [IF 2.822]
9 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., Zappalà, R.A., (1976), "Surface Reynolds stresses determined from the analysis of facular motion and the maintenance of the Sun's differential rotation", Solar Physics, 46, 23-28, 1976. [IF 2.095]
8 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., (1972) "Analogia fra la circolazione generale delle atmosfere terrestre e solare", Rivista Italiana di Geofisica, 21, 57, 1972.
Peer Reviewed Conferences
7 Belvedere, G., D’Arrigo, C., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, Pirronello, V., L., Zappalà, R.A., (1978), "Rotazione differenziale del Sole e trasporto di momento angolare dedotti da traccianti cromosferici durante il periodo 1967/77", Riunione Societa` Astronomica Italiana, 1978; Giornale di Astronomia, suppl.5, n.2, pag. 147, 1979.
6 Belvedere, G., D’Arrigo, C., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., Zappalà, R.A., "Differential rotation of the Sun and surface angular momentum transport deduced from Cromospheric tracers during the period 1967-77", (1978) European Physical Society Workshop on Solar Rotation - Catania, giugno 1978; Oss. Astrof. Catania, Pubbl. 162, 189,1978.
5 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., Zappalà, R.A., (1977), "Cromospheric rotation from H-alpha faculae", Convegno Nazionale Societa` Italiana di Fisica, 1977; Bull. Soc. It. Fis., 112, 145, 1977.
4 Belvedere, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., (1973), "Solar rotation: the interaction of rotation and convection", Memorie Societa` Astronomica Italiana,44, 435-460, 1973.
3 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., (1973), "Solar rotation : phenomelogy and superficial models", XV Riunione Soc. Astron. Ital., 1973, Mem. Soc. Astr. It., 44, 435, 1973.
2 Belvedere, G., Godoli, G., Motta, S., Paterno`, L., (1972), "Ricerche sulla rotazione solare", Giornate di Studio in onore del Prof. Zagar, Milano 1972; Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 43, 637, 1972.
1 Godoli, G., Motta,S., Zappalà, R.A., "Sparizioni improvvise di protuberanze solari e variazioni dei campi magnetici associati", Convegno Nazionale Societa` Italiana di Fisica, 1971; Bull. Soc.It.Fis. 87, 47, 1971.