TRICOMI Alessia Rita
The second module of the course (6 CFU) comprises:
Electron–proton elastic scattering
Probing the structure of the proton. Rutherford and Mott scattering. Form factors. Relativistic electron–proton elastic scattering. The Rosenbluth formula
Deep inelastic scattering
Electron–proton inelastic scattering. Deep inelastic scattering. Electron–quark scattering. The quark–parton model. Electron–proton scattering at the HERA collider. Parton distribution function measurements
Symmetries and the quark model
Symmetries in quantum mechanics. Flavour symmetry. Combining quarks into hadron. Ground state baryons wavefunctions. Isospin representation of antiquarks. Meson states.SU(3) flavour symmetry
Heavy quark discovery and production. HQ spectroscopy.
The weak interaction
Phenomenology of beta decay. Leptons and neutrinos. Invariances and symmetries. Non conservation of parity in beta decay. Experiment of Wu and collaborators. Cowan-Reines Experiment. Neutrinos and antineutrinos. Mass of the neutrino. Neutrino as particle of Dirac or Majorana?
The weak interactions of leptons
Lepton universality. Neutrino scattering. Neutrino scattering experiments. Structure functions in neutrino interactions. Charged-current electron–proton scattering.
Si consiglia l'utilizzo degli appunti e delle dispense che vengono fornite durante il corso.
Possibili testi di riferimento da non considerarsi esaustivi:
W. E. Burcham and M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Pearson Education
Mark Thomson, Modern Particle Physics, Cambridge University Press
B.Pohv et al: Particles and Nuclei; Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.
R.N. Cahn e G. GoldhaberThe Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics,Cambridge University Press