The KD module consists of two parts: the first one will be addressing the general and modern techniques based on deep learning paradigm to create KD systems from data, while the second one on how to extract, represent and visualize knowledge from data and trained models.Part I: Methods and ArchitecturesNeural Networks and BackpropagationDerivatives and Gradient DescentNeural Network Representation, Gradient descent for Neural NetworksForward and Back PropagationThe revolution of depth: deep learningOptimization algorithms: Mini-batch gradient descent, Exponentially weighted average, Gradient descent with momentum, RMSprop, Adam optimization algorithm, Learning rate decayTraining aspects of deep learning: Regularization, Dropout, Normalizing inputs, Vanishing / Exploding gradients, Weight Initialization for Deep NetworksConvolutional Neural NetworksFoundations: padding, strided convolution, dilation, 2D and 3D convolution, poolingState of the art models: AlexNet, ResNets, DenseNets, InceptionTransfer Learning and Data AugmentationRecurrent Neural NetworksLSTM and variantsAttention mechanismsPart II: Knowledge Discovery from Data and ModelsUnsupervised Learning with Deep NetworksRepresentation and Feature LearningAutoencoders and Variational AutoencodersGenerative Adversarial NetworksExplainable AIPrinciples of explainability vs interpretabilityPost-hoc explanatory methods (e.g., IG and CAM)Model agnostic (e.g., SHAP)Deep Learning Frameworks:Overview of the most used DL frameworksPyTorch and Jupyter NotebooksApplications:Computer visionMedical Image AnalysisMachine translation
Deep Learning. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville, MIT Press, 2016Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning, I. Pointer, O'Reilly MediaTeaching materials and reading paper list provided by the instructor